New-age cybersecurity company Kratikal unveils email authentication and anti-spoofing product, ‘KDMARC’

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Kratikal has launched an email authentication and anti-spoofing tool, KDMARC, which authenticates emails based on security protocols in the email domain to increase email deliverability. In addition to that, it also addresses threats posed by email-based attacks that target the email security of companies and individuals.

As per the research conducted by Trend Micro, 91 per cent of cyber-attacks start with phishing emails, whereas another report highlighted how 92 per cent of malware are delivered through emails.

KDMARC has been designed to reduce the time factor involved in the email domain authentication process for companies. KDMARC enables domain owners to easily blacklist or whitelist IP addresses in a matter of a few minutes.

Pavan Kushwaha, CEO, Kratikal, said, “Email domain security is one of the basic and most important steps towards securing an organisation from any potential threat. Unfortunately, the amount of time consumed in the process of securing the domain has been the biggest hindrance for organisations. We have successfully created a solution to nullify this problem with KDMARC, which can be easily set and modified by domain administrators. We endeavour to assist as many organisations and individuals as we can in building a strong cybersecurity environment through our cutting-edge products and services.”

Kratikal had previously launched an AI and ML-based simulation product, ThreatCop, for employee risk assessment and cyber awareness. The tool offers organisations a real-time threat analysis report of their employees by simulating the most prevalent and emerging real-life cyber-attacks including phishing, SMiShing, ransomware, Vishing, Risk of Removable Media and Cyber Scams.

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