Matrix3D Infocom is early adopter of new tech to provide the best user experience

Nazmeen Ansari, CEO, Matrix3D Infocom
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Matrix3D helps organisations transition towards a digital future. The Mumbai based company offers real world solutions by aligning and automating processes through technology. The clientele is not just in India; the company has also worked on projects in Asia and Europe.

Digital transformation for clients
Nazmeen Ansari, CEO, Matrix3D Infocom, says, “To infuse digital transformation in the organisation, we focus on IT infrastructure optimisation, cloud computing, cyber security and workflow automation. We utilise the cloud platform for collaboration, disaster recovery and building business automation tools quickly. Information managed as per business needs help in informed decision making and business intelligence.”

As a solution provider, Ansari thinks that Industry 4.0 opens areas where they can directly bring down the cost of technology, reduce manpower, overcome human dependence and improve efficiencies. “We have been able to drive technology and accomplish digital transformation for our clients using emerging technologies. We work with SMBs who would like to bring down their infrastructure and facility management costs through cloud solutions and digital helpdesk. A larger risk to information management and government initiatives have kept us busy with information management, fraud detection and compliance audits. Bringing down costs of operations is a critical need and by using the Microsoft platform for workflow automation and business intelligence tools, we help our customers to get business insights. We have brought in new business opportunities for them,” says Ansari.

New opportunities
While most IT companies have been focusing on offering solutions on OEM products, Matrix 3D has been able to develop functional consulting as a large part of its service offerings. “This has completely changed our equation of revenue and profitability. Our push on services and focus on best-of-the-breed platforms and solutions have been able to drive us to a new level of service delivery,” mentions Ansari.

“Use of emerging technologies to bring to the market concepts of collaboration, workflow automation, cyber security with a focus on business email compromise investigation, has been able to bring in new opportunities for us. I would like to mention that not just new technologies, but also technology awareness, increasing cyber threats, and most importantly, compliance and governance put in by statutory bodies, has helped us to serve our clients to have an urgency and implement holistic solutions,” she adds.

Best practices
Mentioning some of the best practices the company follows while implementing solutions around next generation technologies, Ansari states,“We have a strong and rigorous product development cycle. Our biggest differentiator is that we have functional experts in our team who have worked hands-on in the industry. This gives us an understanding of on-ground challenges and unbiased user inputs as they first start using the system in their day-to-day lives.”

“We believe that for effective utilisation of technology, user adoption is one of the important areas. Our focus is to bring a change in users’ lives and the organisation using technologies. That’s why we tweak our solutions based on the business vertical. Not all standard practices are best for all business,” she explains.

Up-skilling and re-skilling
Up-skilling and re-skilling is an on-going process at Matrix3D. The company is focused on new technologies all the time, and makes sure that the team is ready to deliver the solution before they offer them to their partners. It encourages and empowers its team to learn and understand. When required, the right skilled people are hired.

Many challenges
Handling People, remarks Ansari, is the first challenge they face while introducing new technology at a partners’ place. Besides, the biggest hurdle in digital transformation is always to bring in the change of culture in the company. The company makes sure that its team works with the users on a day-to-day basis and gets involved with them on their existing projects and drive adoption.

Future roadmap
In the last two-three years, there has been a strong growth in cloud computing and emerging technologies. “We are always the early adopters of new technologies to provide best user experience to our clients. We have brought about digital transformation by improving the efficiencies of our clients using advanced tools for collaboration, analytics for decision making and automation to speed up the processes,” asserts Ansari. In the future, NBFC and healthcare are going to be their focus for IT infrastructure and digital transformation services.

“We are focusing on BIM and collaboration for our favorite vertical, Architecture and Construction (ArCon). We will be surely increasing functional consulting in all these areas with additional domain expertise,”she adds, reminding that on the technology front, the focus on business intelligence and workflow automation will grow further.

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