The fireside chat with RS Shanbhag, CMD, Valuepoint Group reflected the promising future of the Indian channel community and how Valuepoint Group has embarked on its growth journey. Revealing to Srikanth RP, Group Editor, CRN and Express Computer, Shanbhag said, “The channel ecosystem has created a big future for itself. Valuepoint has set an aim to become a 300 million organisation by 2022; and we are ambitious and futuristic in our approach to achieve this growth. As part of our practice, we keep interacting with CIOs and the industry decision makers to keep pace with the latest trends. For instance, over the last five years, we have grown well in the cyber security space, Software Defined Networks and SDWAN.”
Sharing more, he informed that Valuepoint Group, in the SI business, is exploring opportunities in mobile services. Additionally, the organisation has created seven IP which have created US$22 – 23 million business, with over 40 per cent of profitability.
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