smartphone brand vivo, has expanded its camera and design focused V series with the launch of all new vivo V21 in India. The new V21 smartphone showcase a unique OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) front camera housed within one of the industry’s thinnest smartphone designs to deliver an unmatched mobile experience. This 44MP OIS front camera combines features including 44MP OIS night selfie, Super Stable selfie video, Eye Autofocus, 4K video to equip users with best-in-class tools to bring out the vlogger in everyone. The unique Spotlight Selfie with dual LED’s on the front screen are
tailor-made to level up your selfies taken in any light conditions.
The vivo V21 will be available in three unique color options – Sunset Dazzle, Dusk Blue, and Arctic White. Priced at INR 29,990 (8GB+128GB) and INR 32,990 (8GB+256GB) the device will go on sale starting May 6, on Flipkart, vivo India E-store and all offline partner retail stores across India.
Commenting on the launch of V21, Nipun Marya, Director -Brand Strategy, vivo India, said, “These are challenging times for all of us in the country. We wish speedy recovery of all those who are suffering from COVID-19. We are wholly committed to India and stand by the nation and continue to support society in fighting this pandemic. vivo has also recently announced INR 2 crores to aid COVID-19 relief efforts and acquire Oxygen concentrators. This is a small yet significant step to address multiple issues the nation is
facing at the moment. At vivo, we are on a constant endeavor to understand the
consumer’s pain points and then create a bridge between humanity & technology.”
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