R&M has conducted an exclusive meet up for Chennai SI partners in Bengaluru. R&M invited its over 40 key SI partners associated with various verticals like government, BFSI, IT/ITeS, hospitals and hospitalities, etc. The focus of the two-day meet was to exchange thoughts, ideas, challenges and opportunities in the market. The partner meet also included a visit to R&M’s recently inaugurated production facility and customer experience centre.
Partners leveraged the opportunity to interact directly with senior level management of R&M and shared the feedback and requirements of customers.
Interacting with partners, Murugesan R, Senior Director, Sales – Private Networks at R&M India, said, “It feels good to meet the partners who enable R&M products and solutions to achieve brand presence across various vertical and understand the ever changing requirements of the market. SI partners are crucial to conduct our business and contribute a lot to R&M’s growth. This is an eminent opportunity created to accompany people who drive us to journey of success.”
Murugesan added, “It’s an honour to host a partner’s meet for our business associates. We would like to thank all the SI partners who joined us for the meet. We are looking forward to achieve many more successes in the business, together.”
The meet was followed by certifying the partners and relationship building activities.
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