Vice President Venkaiah Naidu launched the Elyments app, which is being hailed as the country’s first indigenously developed ‘social media super app’, in India. The app has been developed by over 1,000 IT professionals who volunteer at Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Art of Living foundation.
“I am happy to note that more than one thousand IT professionals, who are also the volunteers of the Art of Living, have together created an indigenous app named Elyments. It’s appreciable that the app will be available in eight Indian languages,” the Vice President said while launching the app virtually.
The Elyments app is available on the Google Play Store, where it has been downloaded over one lakh times. It is also available on Apple’s App Store.
I am happy to note that more than one thousand IT professionals, who are also the volunteers of the Art of Living, have together created an indigenous app named Elyments. It’s appreciable that the app will be available in eight Indian languages.
Coming to security, the developers of the Elyments app say that the app has been developed keeping in view the data safety and security of users’ data. It comes with features such as end-to-end encryption, which ensures that users’ data ‘remains safe from prying eyes’. The company says that all of its servers are hosted in India, which in turn enables the app to provide a fast experience.
Notably, the launch of the app comes shortly after the government banned 59 apps for posing a threat to the safety and public order in the country. This includes apps such as TikTok, UC Browser and Club Factory.
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