Beetel has launched its new smart accessory brand ‘Flix’ – a Make in India venture. The brand Flix is set to enter the Indian markets by next month. Flix by Beetel plans to dominate accessories market with its extensive product range including earphones, truly wireless stereo (TWS), power banks and wired/wireless chargers amongst others, in the mid to high – end segment – all set to launch by the first week of next month. The brand will have an omnichannel strategy, amplifying its distribution network.
“With decades of experience of working in India we see a vacuum for products in the smart accessories space, that fulfils the aspiration of Indian Masses. Bridging that gap, are excited to introduce Flix – a Make in India Brand, from the house of the trusted and legendary group Beetel.
Resonating the group philosophy, at Flix, we shall redefine lifestyle accessories segment becoming India’s own Smart Accessories brand. Being a proudly Indian Brand, we aim to meet the rising demand for Indian goods within the consumers with no compromise on technology and innovation” said Sachin Kapoor, Product Head – Beetel.
Curated specifically for the diverse Indian consumers, Flix envisions delivering high quality and latest technology driven products for the digital savvy youth and tech enthusiasts amongst others in their target group. Keeping the value of each diverse consumer in mind, Flix matches its varied TG, suiting the needs of all, whether a traveller, a tech geek or a fitness freak.
“Our objective is to elevate the local manufacturing segment in India, focussing on aesthetics, design and quality. With the extensive portfolio at Flix, we shall set new benchmarks with our designs and value for money accessories range. We want our products to be a seamless part of our consumers’ varied lifestyles, appealing to their own sense of style and fashion”, he further adds.
The brand aims to capture at least 25% share of the 15,000 crore organized retail market by 2021. Through its unique product line, aggressive marketing outreach and excellent after sales support, Flix aims to become the numero uno brand in Smart accessories space.
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