Technology giant ASUS India announced the launch of its state-of-the-art new store in Bangalore. Jignesh Bhavsar, National Sales Head, ASUS India and Gaurav D Jain, Owner of store inaugurated the ASUS Exclusive Store today. The store is set to host an extensive range of electronics and computer hardware, including the brand’s flagship products such as VivoBook, ZenBook, Zenbook-Flip, and Republic of Gamers (ROG) laptops. The brand’s new ASUS Exclusive Store is located at ‘’Mega IT Store, #906, GNR Plaza, 80ft Road, 6th Block, Kormangala, Bangalore – 560095.”
The new store launch is part of ASUS’ vision to expand its market presence across different market tiers, by opening 100 stores before the end of this financial year. The store will give users easy access to brand’s latest and flagship products. Interested customers can simply walk in and experience the innovation-led all new products of ASUS, including VivoBook, ZenBook, Zenbook-Flip, and Republic of Gamers (ROG) laptops.
Commenting on the store launch, Arnold Su, Head, Consumer Notebooks and ROG business, ASUS India said, “We are extremely delighted to announce the launch of ASUS store in Bangalore. With the new store launch, we have successfully propelled on our vision of opening 100 new stores before the closing of this fiscal. Asus is reinventing retail technology to move the industry and customer experiences into the future. Interested users can simply walk in the store and get their hands on the innovative and cutting-edge products by ASUS.”
In addition to ASUS Exclusive Stores, ASUS also has a strong customer connect through other large-format stores, such as Reliance Digital and Croma. Contributing to its swelling retail network are a few thousand resellers spread across 600 districts in India. Besides, the onsite service footprint of ASUS covers well over 20,000 pin codes in India. In addition to offline connect; ASUS has actively collaborated with e-commerce platforms like Paytm Mall and Flipkart to reach out to ambitious users who wish to own the best of industry-leading cutting-end innovation.
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