The Association of System Integrators & Retailers in Technology – ASIRT, has been a pioneer in forming alliances and aiding the SI community in expanding business boundaries and attaining larger goals since its founding in 2012. It hosts a number of unique events, including its flagship monthly TechDays, as well as TechEdge, Consortiums, and the Cricket Premier League Tournament, all of which benefit its more than 200+ Members.
ASIRT hosted its 9th Annual General Meeting in Mumbai, along with Governing Board Member Elections 2021. After Secretary Mr. Nilesh Kadakia’s welcome address, the Minutes of the 8th AGM were read and adopted. Mr. Tushar Shah gave the Annual Report for FY2020-2021, and Treasurer Mr. Hiten Shah detailed the Income and Expenditure Report. After necessary clarifications, the Audited Balance Sheet was unanimously approved. According to the agenda, Members present debated and subsequently approved a new category for ASIRT Membership.
Mr. Manish Kamdar, the Returning Officer, then ascended the platform and announced the results of the elections for Governing Board Member positions. Every year, one-third of the oldest Board Members and Co-opted Board Members retire, according to the ASIRT MoA. This year outgoing President Mr. Tushar Shah, Mr. Nilesh Kadakia and Mr. Jayesh Sompura retired, and Mr. Jitendra Gupta resigned, leaving four openings for elections. Mr. Manish declared the names of Mr. Avinash Bankeraika, Mr Jayesh Sompura, Mr. Manish Kapasi, and Mr. Nilesh Kadakia as unopposed candidates for these seats.
Mr. Tushar Shah was invited to give his farewell speech, and all the Members gave him a standing ovation in recognition of his contributions in various roles over his two Terms on the Board. The Board presented him with a gesture of appreciation, as well as Mr. Jiten Mehta, who had retired the previous year.
The following Officer Bearers were selected and various respective Teams were appointed for taking forward ASIRT’s vision with actionability during the first meeting of the new Governing Board held on October 27, 2021, after hectic discussions and brainstorming: Chairman’s Club, Consortium Team, Events Team, IT Team, Digital Team, Sponsorship Team, PR Team, Alliance Team, Membership Team, Grievance Team, and flagship event Techday Ownership Team.
The following is the ASIRT Governing Board for the year 2021-22:
Sr. | Name | Designation | Company Name |
1 | Tushar Parekh | Chairman | Silicon Netsecure Pvt Ltd |
2 | Sanjay Ruparel | President | Ruparel Computers Pvt Ltd |
3 | Chetan Shah | Chief Mentor | Xpress Computers Ltd |
4 | Jiten Mehta | Chief Advisor | Magnamious Systems Pvt Ltd |
5 | Nilesh Kadakia | Secretary | Neotech Infocom |
6 | Hiten Shah | Treasurer | Zeta Infotech |
7 | Bharat Chheda | Joint Secretary | N-Tech Automation |
8 | Manish Kapasi | Joint Treasurer | Avion Electronics Pvt Ltd |
9 | Shirish Marathe | Vice President | COMPetc |
10 | Jayesh Sompura | Vice President | Active Computers |
11 | Amit Shah | Vice President | Tas Technologies Pvt Ltd |
12 | Avinash Bankeraika | Vice President | Innov8 Infinite Technology Pvt Ltd |
13 | Tushar Shah | Co-opted Member | Paths Enterprises |
14 | Kaustubh Kulkarni | Co-opted Member | Fusion Software & Systems Pvt Ltd |
Following the success of the ASIRT Synergy Business Conclave, Chairman Mr. Tushar stated that they are planning to hold a ASIRT Synergy Tech Conclave in the near future, which will provide ASIRTers with a platform to acquire new skillsets in the disruptive digital transformation era, as well as gain insights into the latest technology trends.
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