IIIT-Hyderabad announces 3 new fellowships in AI and blockchain related areas

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International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) has announced three new PhD and Post-Doctoral fellowships in the broad areas of AI and blockchain. A total of up to five Kohli PhD Fellowships for the academic year 2020-21 will be awarded to candidates with a prior track record in research that showcases their research aptitude, scholarly abilities, capacity to think through unstructured problems, and an interest to work in the broad areas of AI aligned with IIITH’s Kohli Centre on Intelligent Systems (KCIS).

The institute has also announced the launch of Ripple-IIITH PhD and Post-Doctoral fellowships in the broad areas of blockchain. IIITH, a global partner of Ripple’s University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI) set up a blockchain Center of Excellence (CoE) at IIITH last year and has been actively researching different aspects of blockchain such as security, next-gen blockchains, game-theoretic issues, ML over blockchains, e-governance over blockchain, etc.

Speaking on these new Fellowships, Prof P J Narayanan, Director, IIITH said, “KCIS is one of the largest AI research groups in the country. We have also made significant progress with our blockchain CoE since its inception a year ago. Lots of opportunities are available work in these emerging areas for PhD and Post-Doc aspirants with the top-class faculty in the AI area and the Blockchain area. We look forward to attracting them.”

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